Friday, October 02, 2009

Petraeus Singing Kumbaya
"What we have to do is make sure the reasons [for] concern [are] mitigated by our actions. The Afghans will be welcoming or not to foreigners if those foreigners are seen to be improving their lives or not."

If you want to improve the lives of the Afghans send UNICEF, not 40,000 more American troops.

Wingnut Sheepherders Lead Flock Astray Again

Breitbart burns Beck, Dobbs, right-wing media with false claim of "Community Organizers Pray[ing] TO" Obama

Just as Limbaugh, Beck, Dobbs and ignorant wingnut bloggers are going to have to stop using Drudge and his boy Breitbart as show prep.

Let's hope they don't. It's a lot of fun laughing at their stupid asses!