Your daddy didn't fight

Regardless of what bedtime stories little Liz was told, daddy's five deferments are still the record. Only to a wingnut could such a coward be known as a 'hawk'. Most of them are after all, Chickenhawk cowards.
Just in case you 'Tenthers' ...
Historically whenever the America-haters in our society don't get their way they start whining about 'States rights'. Interestingly, these whiners actually got their start even before the Founding and our Constitution; they were called, 'loyalists', or 'Tories'. But today they're called 'Tenthers', crackers, teabaggers, a majority are chickenhawks, some call them phony-conservatives or wingnuts, etc,. Anyway, throughout history this lower form of society has often tried to tuck its head into its shell whenever they didn't get their way nationally. These Tenthers now once again question our nation's constitutional authority over them and their 'state's rights'. I suggest they read Article VI, and stand down.
“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”And by the way, as a veteran, I took an oath for life and swore that I would, "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic'", so if you are ever dumb enough to take up arms against my Constitutionally elected President, I'll put a round right between your fucking eyes and receive a hero's Medal for it. I got the Constitution on my side.
What the Fox?
RHETORIC: BECK SAID VANCOUVER LOST $1 BILLION WHEN IT "HAD THE OLYMPICS." - "Vancouver lost, how much was it? they lost a billion dollars when they had the Olympics." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]
It's nice to see Obama's people bitch slap Fox around once in a while. And the Fox News Sheep can't figure out why they're the country's most ignorant and uninformed.

Texas schools move away from abstinence-only education
Texas currently has the third-highest teen birth rate in the country and “the highest rate of repeat teen births.” It also leads the nation in the amount of government money it spends on abstinence-only education.
Damn, you know when those Bible-thumping neanderthal fools in Texas give up on something so lame, it definitely had to have some bad results! Must be something about all that Bible talk...
They found your cousin Ardi

Yeah well, on the flip-side
'Without Bush, media lose interest in war caskets'
By: Byron York Chief Political Correspondent

Actually I think losers like Byron York should be asking themselves why are they so concerned about those flag-draped caskets now when they couldn't have cared less before Obama lifted the ban? It's just like the wingnuts who all of a sudden complain about not enough troops in Afghanistan when Obama has sent an additional 22,000 there since when they were totally silent. When you live a life of hyperbole, lies, deceit and ignorance, it always catches up to you. I enjoy pointing that out.
The Pitiful Got More Pitiful

Didn't hear much about that
4,000 more troops to come home from Iraq
WASHINGTON - The top general in Iraq is sending home 4,000 more U.S. troops by the end of October as the American military winds down the six-year war. Army Gen. Ray Odierno said in remarks prepared for a congressional hearing Wednesday that the number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq will total about 120,000 over the next month. He said that will mean about 4,000 fewer troops than are in Iraq now — about the size of an Army brigade.
It's gonna get crowded

Living to 100 may be seen as a long life now, but according to a new review, it may be the norm for babies born today. The article, appearing in the medical journal The Lancet, shows that based on current trajectories, more than half of all babies born in industrialized nations since the year 2000 can expect to live into the triple digits.
That's a helluva lot of idiots ...
It's tough, but ...

Update: Got the winner right, (MSU-26 UM-20) but not so much on the score. Who knew two of the Big Ten's worst defenses would actually play defense for three quarters? Tough game for me to cheer for; I love both schools. One pays me, the other takes my pay.