The original Tea Party was supposedly about taxation without representation, although of course, it wasn't. But, it sure says a lot about these amoeba when 95% of those protesting today just got a tax cut. And when you win an election by 10 million votes that certainly more than covers the representation part.
Ask one these idiots to explain why they're protesting their tax cut and they change the story to, 'too much government spending'. Where were these people and their protests during the last eight years? Where were these sheep when George Bush, Hank Paulsen and Ben Bernanke did their $700 billion Wall Street bailout last October* ? These inconsequential losers aren't teabagging each other today for any other reason than they got their asses kicked in November.
Of course when it comes to government spending some of these simple-minded teabaggers display their abject ignorance with ridiculous claims like, Obama "quadrupled our nation’s debt". Do you realize how utterly stupid that claim is?
George W. Bush nearly doubled the debt left to us by Reagan and his old man and it's now $11.2 trillion and that doesn't include his 2009, $1.8 trillion deficit. So do these hyperbolic, shallow-thinking, phony conservative dumbasses really think our debt is now, or even will be eight years from now, $50 trillion? It would take eight straight $5 trillion deficits to "quadrupled our nation’s debt". Nobody's that fucking dumb.
But you shouldn't be surprised by these phony-conservative assholes. These are the same fools who run around saying "what would Ronnie do", when any informed and educated person knows, 'Ronnie' tripled the debt during his watch. 'Conservatives'? What a joke!
And Obama's spending? Take the $787 billion stimulus plan. These phony-conservative teabaggers don't have the simple, basic aptitude to realize that $281 billion, or 35% of Obama's stimulus plan are tax cuts, and, it only adds $330 billion to the debt over the next ten years.
And, you already got part of your tax cut ... It's Tax Day assholes, look at line 70 on your 1040! I thought these sheep liked tax cuts? Do you and your spouse earn more than $250K a year? Hey, if you do, congratulations. Your taxes or going up to the same level they were during the Clinton administration when you were better off than you've ever been.
If you're dumb enough to go out today and protest your tax cut, so be it. It makes for a good laugh at your ignorant asses. Maybe the problem is Obama gave these fools a chunk of their tax cut as part of the stimulus and Fox News and Limbaugh forgot to tell them ... Hell, even the wingnut rag, The Wall Street Journal, had to admit that Obama's tax plan, "if enacted, could pack more punch in two years than either of President George W. Bush's tax cuts did in their first two years." But, the Teabag sheepherders forgot to tell them.
And don't these sheepish teabaggers realize Obama even gave them a tax cut on that unemployment check that their boy Bush left them with?
By the way, how's that government teat tasting these days, Mr. Bootstraps? And oh yeah, there's a fine example of a government program that works. Take note of that and don't forget it, chickenshit.
You see, the sheep always get exposed eventually ...