Republicans release alternative budget
More tax cuts, less regulation, less science and a full pardon and the Medal of Freedom for Bernie Madoff. Sure, let's repeat what gave us the last eight years!
Brand new game in town

You can bet Alberto Gonzales would have never withdrawn an indictment on a convicted Democrat. Damn, it's nice to have an administration that follows the rule of law.
He missed the 'past 20 months' part

The following table details how the Fed and the government have committed the money on behalf of American taxpayers over the past 20 months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
--- Amounts (Billions)---
Limit Current
Total $12,798.14 $4,169.71
Federal Reserve Total $7,765.64 $1,678.71
Primary Credit Discount $110.74 $61.31
Secondary Credit $0.19 $1.00
Primary dealer and others $147.00 $20.18
ABCP Liquidity $152.11 $6.85
AIG Credit $60.00 $43.19
Net Portfolio CP Funding $1,800.00 $241.31
Maiden Lane (Bear Stearns) $29.50 $28.82
Maiden Lane II (AIG) $22.50 $18.54
Maiden Lane III (AIG) $30.00 $24.04
Term Securities Lending $250.00 $88.55
Term Auction Facility $900.00 $468.59
Securities lending overnight $10.00 $4.41
Term Asset-Backed Loan Facility $900.00 $4.71
Currency Swaps/Other Assets $606.00 $377.87
MMIFF $540.00 $0.00
GSE Debt Purchases $600.00 $50.39
GSE Mortgage-Backed Securities $1,000.00 $236.16
Citigroup Bailout Fed Portion $220.40 $0.00
Bank of America Bailout $87.20 $0.00
Commitment to Buy Treasuries $300.00 $7.50
FDIC Total $2,038.50 $357.50
Public-Private Investment* $500.00 0.00
FDIC Liquidity Guarantees $1,400.00 $316.50
GE $126.00 $41.00
Citigroup Bailout FDIC $10.00 $0.00
Bank of America Bailout FDIC $2.50 $0.00
Treasury Total $2,694.00 $1,833.50
TARP $700.00 $599.50
Tax Break for Banks $29.00 $29.00
Stimulus Package (Bush) $168.00 $168.00
Stimulus II (Obama) $787.00 $787.00
Treasury Exchange Stabilization $50.00 $50.00
Student Loan Purchases $60.00 $0.00
Support for Fannie/Freddie $400.00 $200.00
Line of Credit for FDIC* $500.00 $0.00
HUD Total $300.00 $300.00
Hope for Homeowners FHA $300.00 $300.00
I heard Sean Hannity on his radio show today comically trying to blame Obama for the country's 'new' $12.8 trillion in 'commitments'. He started reading the article over the air but hesitated and then completely ignored (I had already read it and knew what it said) the part where it states that this has happened over the past '20 months'. I wonder why he left out that small detail? --- Man, Hannity reminds me a lot of another whiny, mentally disturbed, pathological lying - and once again proven - little 'chickenshit', who we all know.
Still a babbling fool

That's a huge contrast from what McCain was saying back in 2003 when we really needed to be focused on Afghanistan. Then it was, 'we can "muddle through" in Afghanistan', and 'the conflict there takes a back seat in importance to Iraq'.
Dead wrong on both accounts, moron.
It doesn't get much better
Wasn't it hilarious last week when all of the wingnuttery came out and claimed, "Obama Writes a letter to "President" Chirac"?
Poor pathetic fools. Is there anything better than watching their meltdown?
If they could only do the math
There sure is a lot of whining about Obama's FY10 $3.55 trillion budget. Of course, they're good at whining but too ignorant and simple-minded to realize that Bush's FY09 budget was 'projected' at, $3.1 trillion, which did NOT include the $300 billion cost of the Iraq Occupation and the war in Afghanistan, or Bush's $350 billion bailout. Add that up and what do you get? You get $3.75 trillion, or $200 billion more than Obama's FY10 budget.
Get a life. And a fucking calculator.
13% too dumb to know better +
13% too detestable to admit it

Number 59

Taking a hard line, three judges hearing Coleman’s lawsuit ordered further review of 400 unopened absentee ballots in the race, far fewer than the former Republican senator had asked be counted.
Within two hours of the ruling, Coleman attorney Ben Ginsberg warned of an appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court. Ginsberg argued that the special court’s ruling tolerated differing standards from county to county between the general election and the recount. He said the small universe of remaining ballots makes it difficult for Coleman to erase Franken’s current 225-vote lead.
... No one knows for sure exactly how the ballots will break, but they appear to favor Franken. Almost 150 names were on a ballot list Franken submitted; 125 were from Coleman’s list; and 50 were on both. The rest didn’t appear on either candidate’s list.
There are 30 in Congress that stupid?

Is it a prerequisite to being a wingnut that you have to be ignorant and paranoid? First of all, it's other countries who are threatening to stop using the dollar as the international currency, and secondly, if these same sheep had been this concerned about the dollar when George W. Bush was destroying it, we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.
Quote of the month
"We wiped out the deficit; they wiped out the surplus." - REP. JOHN M. SPRATT JR., D-S.C.