Saturday, October 11, 2008

Palin found guilty of abuse of power

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) abused her executive power when she fired her public safety commissioner this year in the midst of an intense effort to oust her former brother-in-law from the state police force, a special prosecutor has concluded.

Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, had been accused of dismissing Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan, a career law enforcement official, after he rebuffed attempts by Palin, her husband Todd, and cabinet officials to reopen an investigation into Palin's brother-in-law, state Trooper Mike Wooten.
Sarah Palin, who has done nothing but lie since the day she was selected McCain's running mate, along with the McCain campaign laughingly call this investigation a partisan attack, when in fact, the investigation and its report were "commissioned and released by a bipartisan state legislative panel made up of 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats".

Abuse of power? Not only his McCain identical to George W. Bush, but his lying and stupid pork princess of a running mate is Dick Cheney all over again.