John McCain, the most despicable man to run for president since George W. Bush in 2004, spent the entire week with his stupid little pitbull trying to incite his crowds into being fearful of Barack Obama but has now all of a sudden changed again to a man of reason.LAKEVILLE, Minn. (AP) — The anger is getting raw at Republican rallies and John McCain is acting to tamp it down. McCain was booed by his own supporters Friday when, in an abrupt switch from raising questions about Barack Obama's character, he described the Democrat as a "decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States."
McCain, who stood silent all week while he and Palin whipped their base into a fear mongering frenzy, eliciting screams of 'traitor', 'terrorist' and 'kill him' learned very quickly that independent voters are not going to fall for that same old shit that Bush used in 2000 and 2004. He didn't change on his own, he and his campaign read the polls.
No, we've all seen what Republicans in charge can do to our country and they're going to have to run on their actual record this time.