Monday, October 20, 2008

Afghanistan: Fighting In A "Hornet's Nest"

How Bush and McCain have failed our nation

Did you happen to catch 60 Minutes last night? If you didn't, I highly recommend you go to that link and at least watch the three videos provided.
(CBS) This past year in Afghanistan was the deadliest yet for American troops. Seven years into this war, U.S. commanders from Kabul to Washington are pleading for more soldiers, exposing an uncomfortable truth: there aren't enough troops on the ground to get the job done.

We are going to tell you about a small group of American soldiers who deal every day with that reality under the worst of circumstances. 60 Minutes lived with them for a month on a small forward operating base in Eastern Afghanistan, not far from the Pakistani border. This is where the real fight against al Qaeda is happening - in canyon valleys and jagged mountain hideouts, which as we witnessed, are crawling with enemy fighters.
What in the hell are we doing in Afghanistan? The mission of these American soldiers is to "protect a road, which is the only direct link between the East and the capital Kabul." What the fuck!!!

Our mission in Afghanistan should be only one mission: and that is to find and kill Osama bin Laden and every single al-Qaeda terrorist that gets in our way! We should not be 'protecting roads' or 'building schools' or 're-building the infrastructure'! Those are not our fucking problems and they should not have anything to do with what our mission should be. We should be killing al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters, completing our mission and getting the fuck home!

Lara Logan interviewed Major General Jeffrey Schlosser who candidly stated that the enemy has gotten stronger and his job is now much tougher. Gen. Schlosser wants to pursue and kill the enemy that hides just across the border in Pakistan but his hands are tied by the Bush administration who continues to coddle the Pakistanis.

Barack Obama has stated emphatically that he will not hesitate to go after bin Laden and al-Qaeda in Pakistan if we have 'actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets'. Barack Obama will not coddle the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. He will not 'muddle through' Afghanistan and stupidly say, 'the conflict there takes a back seat in importance to Iraq', like John McCain said.

We invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. We have fought the only war we should have fought half-ass because liars like George Bush and John McCain wanted to invade Iraq, forgetting and completely neglecting what are mission should have been.

These men are not leaders, they are fools. They are pathetic failures and Osama bin Laden and the men who planned 9/11 are still alive because of their abject incompetence and their inability to lead.

This country has a poor record of electing men without wisdom. That is certainly true about George W. Bush and John S. McCain. Let's hope that ends on November 4th. We desperately need a leader who knows what our mission should be and Barack Obama will finally fill that void.