You have heard a lot of wingnuts imply recently that Barack Obama has been the 'second highest recipient' of donations from Fannie Mae, which of course, was pointed out as being a lie by this blog. Of the $126,000 he 'received', only $6,000 came from those corporations.
But now, guess what? It is now been revealed that John McCain has received $169,000 from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; nearly eight times as much as Obama received.
Sorry wingnuts. I guess you will have to change your talking points again.
The New York Times has published a separate list looking at contributions from "directors, officers, and lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" for the 2008 campaign cycle. That list — using figures from the Federal Election Commission — shows McCain receiving $169,000, while Obama received only $16,000.Would any of you wingnuts like some cheese with that whine?
Partially true, but misleading. Donations don't come from companies. A list of employee contributions puts Obama second, but a different list including lobbyists and directors shows McCain getting more.