Thursday, September 18, 2008

Barack Obama was the second highest recipient of money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Barack Obama received $126,349 from Fannie May and Freddie Mac? No, that's misleading. Obama received $120,349 was from individuals who worked for those two organizations and who are limited to $2,300 each. He received $6,000 from the corporations.

If some guy who works at GM gives me $2,300 that doesn't make me in the tank for GM.

Barack Obama has well over 2 million donors so I'm not surprised that a couple of enterprises that employ 10-12,000 people would have a couple hundred who gave to Obama.

These are generally intelligent people after all. They naturally support Democrats to begin with and they know very well how it's been under Republicans for the last eight years.

But if you really want to know who is in the tank for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac maybe this line will give you a clue;
"At least 20 McCain fundraisers have lobbied on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, netting at least $12.3 million in fees over the past nine years."
And isn't it funny how McCain mentions that the man who helped select Obama's VP, Jim Johnson, worked for Fannie and Freddie? What he doesn't tell you is that the man who vetted his VP, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr., also worked for them. And not only that, but McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, "served as president of an advocacy group led by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that defended the two companies against increased regulation."

John McCain is one of the most corrupt politicians to ever serve in Washington D.C. and it's easy to tell by the company he keeps.