Friday, August 15, 2008

The other dumbass said the same thing!

"In a statement at the White House, Mr Bush accused Russia of "bullying and intimidation", saying it was an unacceptable "way to conduct foreign policy in the 21st Century".

After Lil' Bush made an ass of himself, Bush follows suit.

Don't these fools realize how pathetically hypocritical and whiny they sound when they say something so ignorant?

Quit whining! The rest of the world looks at Bush and McCain as a couple of morons and hypocrites. Of course they are, but they don't need to embarrass the rest of us.

We have NO standing. We needlessly invaded a country 7,000 miles away from our borders on lies and trumped-up and bogus intelligence. The rest of the world knows this, people.

We need to restore our credibility that Bush, McCain and the rest of their ilk have destroyed. And we won't get that by electing John McSame.