Friday, August 15, 2008

They remember those golden Bill Clinton years

"Conservatives (sic) Claim Obama Is ‘So Bad For The Economy,’ While Wall Street Donates More To Obama"
"Bloomberg reports that Obama “has captured $9.6 million in donations from employees working for securities, mortgage and drug companies, compared with McCain’s $6.6 million.” From “brokers, bankers and traders in the securities industry” Obama has gathered $8.9 million to McCain’s $6.3 million, and “their support comes even as Obama seeks higher taxes for wealthy Americans.” Workers in the mortgage industry, meanwhile, “gave $278,937 to Obama and $133,475 to McCain.”
Is the United States better off than we were eight years ago?

Name just one segment of the economy that's better now than then. The Dow, the NASDAQ, the dollar, unemployment, wages, the deficit, the debt, the trade deficit, inflation, housing, or energy? Name one thing that's better now than eight years ago.

You can't, and those on Wall Street know it too.

And they also know the economy always does better with a Democrat in the White House.

The link with video of partisan hacks and fools like Larry Kudlow and others who think you're too stupid to know better.

Damn, come to think of it, that's about 60% of the audience here at "done that" .

Addendum: I need to reply to something one of those fools on that video said. He said Obama raising taxes is "exactly what Herbert Hoover did". Uh, no, that is absolutely false and in fact the opposite of what he did. Hoover, a Republican who George Bush has closely emulated over the last eight years, "prior to the start of the Depression, ... "cut the top income tax rate from 73% to 24%."