Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama's published prayer draws fire from rabbis

JERUSALEM (AP) — A written prayer that Barack Obama left this week in the cracks of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, asks God to guide him and guard his family, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday.
"Lord — Protect my family and me," reads the note published in the Maariv daily. "Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will."
The paper's decision to make the note public drew fire. The rabbi in charge of the Western Wall, Shmuel Rabinovitz, said publishing the note intruded in Obama's relationship with God.

"The notes placed between the stones of the Western Wall are between a person and his maker. It is forbidden to read them or make any use of them," he told Army Radio. The publication "damages the Western Wall and damages the personal, deep part of every one of us that we keep to ourselves," he said.

Ironically, only one other prayer left at the Western Wall has ever been published before and that was one left by John McCain after a stop at the Western Wall in March of this year.
McCain's prayer;
"Dear God, uh, my friend ... I'm still trying real hard with the Gook thing but you need to make me President so I can finish off those Islamic Jihadist bastards! Uh, ... my friend .. I won't let you down .. just give me one more chance ... and I'll get this goddamn ... I mean darn uh...onward Christian soldiers .. and of course, sailors ..... ah sh*t, just give me the goddamn job! Thanks ... Amen ..."
Geez McGrumpy .... Good luck with that one.