Friday, July 25, 2008

You couldn't make this shit up ...

'How to Get Away With Torture'

The ACLU sued the U.S. Government through the Freedom of Information Act and they have disclosed an August 2002 memo from John Ashcroft and the boys to the CIA that is nothing more than a 'guide' on how to torture someone and get away with it.

It's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo and gibberish and almost comical if it wasn't so Imperial Japanese-like.

Here's an excerpt:
"To violate the statute, an individual must have the specific intent to inflict severe pain or suffering. Because specific intent is an element of the offense, the absence of specific intent negates the charge of torture. As we previously opined, to have the required specific intent, an individual must expressly intend to cause such severe pain or suffering. . . . We have further found that if a defendant acts with the good faith belief that his actions will not cause such suffering, he has not acted with specific intent. . . . A defendant acts in good faith when he has an honest belief that his actions will not result in severe pain and suffering. . . . Although an honest belief need not be reasonable, such a belief is easier to establish where there is a reasonable basis for it. - continued at the WP
Nah, the Bush administration never tortured anyone. They never had any 'specific intent' to actually kill any of the 108 they did.

Actually I could have written that entire memo for Ashcroft in a single sentence;
If you kill the motherfucker just say you didn't mean it.