Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda vote Republican

John McCain's favorite lobbyist, Charlie Black, who happens to be also running his campaign, let it slip the other day that Republicans are hoping for another terrorist attack in the U.S. to help them out this November.

McCain was embarrassed and angry that Black would come right out and divulge their inner-circle's dreams and aspirations and yesterday afternoon he said of Black's comment, "If he [Charlie] said that, and I do not know the context, I strenuously disagree."

But Think Progress has a quote from 'Mr. Straight Talk' from 2004;
U.S. Sen. John McCain, campaigning in southwestern Connecticut on Saturday, said Osama bin Laden’s video message to Americans will likely energize President Bush’s re-election campaign.

“I think it’s very helpful to President Bush,” said McCain, R-Ariz., while stumping in Stamford for U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays. “It focuses America’s attention on the war on terrorism. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but I think it does have an effect.” [AP, 10/30/04]
Wow, I guess Ol' Charlie Black might want ask McCain why he changed his mind on seeking Osama bin Laden's endorsement.

One thing that has always confused me is why do Americans continue to mistakenly, and ignorantly, think that Republicans are stronger on national defense? It cannot be based on facts - especially looking at the last 7 1/2 years.

If we would have followed the advice of men like Barack Obama, or the majority of Congressional Democrats who voted 'NO' on to stupidly invading Iraq, our nation would be much more secure than what it is today. And not only that, we would have already avenged 9/11 and we would have been on our way and not wasted 4,106 American lives and trillions of dollars in a war that's been proven to be so senseless and unnecesssary.

Democrats are far better for this country when it comes to national security. Every bright, honest and self-respecting American knows that by now.

Osama bin Laden knew that back in 2004 and that is precisely what the CIA confirmed -- bin Laden brilliantly endorsed George Bush and the American people fell for it. And we paid dearly for another four years of misery, too.

Don't let bin Laden and al-Qaeda choose another Republican president. Don't fall for that old briar patch ruse.

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop voting for people al-Qaeda wants you to vote for. Try thinking.