Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What has George W. Bush done to our dollar?

On January 20, 2001 the U.S. Dollar was worth $1.075 against the Euro. That's one dollar and seven and a half cents. Today, the dollar is worth 64.5 cents against the euro. -- A 40% decrease during the 7 1/2 years of George Bush's reign.

For a little historical perspective on the euro and the dollar; when Bill Clinton took office on January 20, 1993, the Euro was worth 81.7 cents -- that's a 31.4% increase during his time in office, up to the $1.075 on 1/20/01.

That's a HUGE 71.4% swing. The American dollar should never go down in value against another country's currency, much less, 40%! If Bush would have merely maintained what the Clinton administration was able to do, the dollar would be worth $1.41 today against the euro, instead of 64.5 cents. That is a 120% decrease in the value of what the dollar should be, compared to what it is today.

A barrel of oil closed yesterday at $136.74. OPEC only accepts the dollar for its oil. Although they have given some thought to ditching the dollar.

If the dollar is only worth 64.5 cents against the euro instead the $1.41 that it should, or could be worth; it shouldn't be difficult to see how George Bush has contributed to our out of control energy prices by destroying the value of our dollar.

It's only difficult for those who lack the sense to figure it out.

The dollar since just last September;When a euro would cost you $1.35, versus, costing you $1.56 today. And when Bush took office, that same euro that's costing you $1.56 today, would have only cost, 93 cents.