It's 'not too important'?
One dead, and $500 million a day is 'not important'?
Sen. John McCain's campaign and allies rallied to the defense of McCain's televised comment today that an estimate for American troop withdrawals from Iraq is "not too important,'' and Democrats pounced on the Republican for displaying what they want to portray as little concern for the forces serving there.Yeah, yeah, I know ... John McCain does not want to see our troops killed, although he does strangely loathe our military, but that's not the point that needs to be made.
"Appearing on NBC's Today show, McCain was asked if he has an estimate for when U.S. troops might leave Iraq.
"No, but that's not too important," McCain replied.
As I said yesterday, 'Iraq is the economy, stupid'. And even if we do have the KIA down to one a day, we're spending $500 million there every single day! So it's very important when they leave, moron!
It's not his age, he's just dumb
"He (McCain) confuses who Iran is training, he confuses what the makeup of Al Qaeda is, he confuses the history going back to 682 of what has happened to Sunni and Shia," John Kerry said.McCain is old. Dumb and completely out of touch, too.
Susan Rice cited a "pattern of confusing the basic facts and reality that pertain to Iraq." Asked if "confused" was a shot at McCain's age, Rice responded: "What I meant by that was very simple: That on critical factual questions that are fundamental to understanding what is going on in Iraq and the region, Senator McCain has gotten it wrong, and not just once but repeatedly."
"There are plenty of Senators and Congressmen in Washington, D.C., who understand the difference and don’t make the mistakes that he has made with respect to those policies," Kerry said, mentioning John Warner. "They know who the Sunni are and they know who the Shia are."
Warning: You are the target
US F-15 jet fighters dropped bombs on a Pakistani Frontier Corps border check point early today, killing at least 11 soldiers and setting off outrage in Pakistan. The US and coalition forces did not cross the border in "hot pursuit" but US aircraft did, according to a US military statement. "We tracked them across the border, called in fixed-wing aircraft and hit the target, consistent with our rules of engagement," said a US military official. Those rules allow US forces to strike inside Pakistan if the insurgents are fleeing from Afghanistan and they have been observed the entire time running into Pakistan.The Taliban attack our guys and think they can run into Pakistan and hide. Surprise. And the Pakistani soldiers were covering for the Taliban, so, oh well.
Tell us where Osama bin Laden is and you won't have these problems. And until you do: Duck, cover and roll.
He should step down!
Johnson quits as Obama VP vetterDude, you earned $22 million one year and worked for Fannie Mae and you couldn't get a better rate than 6.37%? And that was when everyone else was getting loans between 6.2% - 6.5%? Barack should have fired your ass! - I heard a guy on TV say earlier when asked if this Johnson-thing will effect Obama and he said, that's like saying I'm not going to invest in Apple because I don't like the people they have in HR. Sounds about as relevant. And come on, Johnson was only going vette the person who will being taking the place of one of the most corrupt people in America.
'Property records show the first of [Jim] Johnson’s loans from Countrywide came towards the end of his Fannie Mae tenure. He borrowed $392,950 on a row house in Washington’s Dupont Circle neighborhood, with the rate set for the first five years at 6.37 percent. At the time, initial rates for such loans ranged from about 6.2 to 6.5 percent, according to data compiled for The Wall Street Journal by HSH Associates Inc., which surveys lenders.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House has voted to send articles of impeachment against President Bush to a committee that is not likely to hold hearings before the end of his term. By 251-166, House members dispatched the measure to a committee on Wednesday — a procedure often used to kill legislation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi long ago declared the prospects for impeachment proceedings "off the table."Bush should have been impeached in his first term. That's when he committed his most egregious crime. It's obviously too late now to impeach but maybe we can get some justice by criminally charging Bush and his minions after they leave office.
'Show me the body'
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — A hedge-fund swindler who was supposed to be driving himself to prison abandoned his car on a bridge with the phrase "Suicide is Painless" scrawled on its hood, but no body has been found in the river below — and the victims of his fraud say they doubt he killed himself. The FBI and state police are skeptical, saying they're still looking for Samuel Israel III.Sam 'Israel'? Huh, I wonder where he's headed? Well, maybe not, we have a pretty solid extradition treaty. And, who in the hell would turn themselves in to serve 20 years when you're 48 years old and probably have millions of dollars stashed away somewhere? See ya!
Israel, 48, a co-founder and chief executive of the now-collapsed Bayou hedge funds, was sentenced in April to 20 years in federal prison for conspiracy and fraud, to begin Monday afternoon. He was also ordered to pay $300 million to his victims.
Them damn queers!
According to a recent report from Keen News Service, gay Republican voters helped George W. Bush win Florida in 2000. Exit polls showed 44,723 gay-identified voters cast their ballots for Bush in Florida that year when only a razor-thin margin separated him and Democrat Al Gore.I knew it! Democrats need to get the gay vote back this year.
Uh oh, I wouldn't piss Michele off
This is getting pretty pathetic. First, this Illinois yahoo Barack Obama, who beat Alan Keyes of all people for the Senate job, waltzes into that chamber and usurps the Democratic presidential nomination that was to be Hillary Clinton's by rights.
Then he raises all this money, nearly a quarter-billion or something.
And now? Now, he's got Scarlett Johansson whipped over him.
Jim Webb is a Confederate Virginian?
That's news? No, Webb, a talented novelist, wrote a very successful book, "Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America", nearly five years ago and this subject was talked about at length in 2006 when Jim Webb kicked George Allen's ass.