Thursday, May 22, 2008

McCain skips out on Vets

Senate Passes Webb GI Bill 75-22

John McCain had a big fundraiser in California. He couldn't make it back to DC to vote on an extremely important, and hugely bipartisan bill that increases educational benefits for veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq. It passed 75-22. Hey George, veto that, asshole!

Sorry, I'll stick to the subject at hand; John McCain.

John McCain no-showed on veterans. It doesn't matter much anyway since he would have only changed the vote to 75-23 if he would have had the guts to put his vote on record. McCain has already stated that Jim Webb's bill was 'too generous' and would lead to troops getting out after one tour. 'Too fucking generous'?!?!

McCain has his own 'GI Bill' alternative. He wants to give $2,000 a month toward a college education after 12 years of service. That wasn't the deal John McCain got when he joined the Navy. He, like me and hundreds of thousands of other vets got at least that much after four years active duty.

Why is McCain trying to screw our current troops who are fighting their asses off?

Jim Webb's bill is co-sponsored by Republican war heroes like John Warner and Chuck Hagel. Jim Webb, Barack Obama's VP running mate, is a Viet Nam War hero.

John McCain isn't the only veteran serving in Congress but he sure is one of the few whom for some strange reason, wants to deny our troops not even half of what they deserve.

You would think such a warmongering nutcase would take care of the troops.

Go figure.