Thursday, May 22, 2008

Way too little, way too late

McCain finally throws his pastor under the bus!

John McCain, who at one point actively pursued an endorsement from controversial pastor John Hagee, just severed ties after reports surfaced of yet more incendiary comments by the conservative minister -- this time targeting Jews.

The comments came in the late 1990s, when Hagee said that the Nazis were doing God's work to shepherd Jews to Palestine. Hagee also has referred to the Catholic Church as "the Great Whore." McCain earlier disassociated himself from Hagee's comments but kept the endorsement. This afternoon, he jettisoned the endorsement.
John McCain finally denounced his pastor, John Hagee, who makes Jeremiah Wright look like a choir boy, after it was revealed that Hagee said that Hitler was "God's work".

Calling the Catholic Church the 'great whore' and the Pope the 'Anti-Christ' was acceptable to McCain but saying the holocaust and the extermination of six million Jews was "God's work" was apparently close to the last straw for McCain and his pastor.