Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Too many dumbasses

Tim Russert asked Clinton and Obama in the Ohio debate last night what they would do if we pulled out of Iraq and al-Qaeda took over.

Is the entire country that stupid? Do people realize that Iraq is 65% Shia and 15-20% Kurdish?

I wish Obama would have said, Mr. Russert, I obviously gave you way too much credit. Just like before the senseless invasion and five year occupation, Iraq is the last place al-Qaeda wants to be.

McCain stepped in it today with another one of his stupid comments and Obama smacked him down brilliantly with, "There was no such thing as al Qaeda in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq."

McCain better get used to having it shoved back down his throat.

One of the biggest problems with our country is that a large segment of the people is just ignorant. What it is, something like 30% (all Fox News flunkies, of course) still think al-Qaeda was in Iraq when we went there? That's embarrassing.

If people weren't so ignorant Obama would beat McCain 80% - 20% in November. But after 2004 when 62 million people voted to re-elect the worst and by far, the dumbest, president in the history of the country -- I don't take anything for granted anymore.

There are just way too many dumbasses in this country.