The Republican Party -- the Party of overspending, bankrupting, bumbling and treasonous incompetents is the last thing he will remember about those he once supported.
Here's what Mr. Buckley had to say about the vile traitors who outed covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame;
"It becomes almost inapprehensible what it is that Cheney/Libby/Rove got themselves into. But the sacredness of the law against betraying a clandestine soldier of the republic cannot be slighted."A 'clandestine soldier of the republic' was exactly what Plame was and the traitors in this country laughed at her outing. Mr. Buckley was demoralized by what they had become.
William F. Buckley was an anomaly of what the 'right' is today. He generally spoke the truth.
Buckley said this about Iraq two years ago;
Yes, but within their own counsels, different plans have to be made. And the kernel here is the acknowledgment of defeat.Acknowledge defeat? This from the 'father of modern conservatism'?
If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton said that what would be the reaction?
'Conservatism' is dead in this country. Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush buried it a long time ago.
Rest in peace, Mr. Buckley.