McCain, the 'worst' for childrenToday, the Children’s Defense Fund Action Council released its 2007 Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard. CDF reports some positive news, particularly that average scores for members of Congress “improved from the previous three years with more Members scoring 100 percent than in 2004, 2005 or 2006.”
Many, however, did not fare so well. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) received a 10 percent rating — the worst in the U.S. Senate.
The $3 Trillion WarJohn McCain loves unnecessary wars and apparently hates children.
After wildly lowballing the cost of the Iraq conflict at a mere $50 to $60 billion, the Bush administration has been concealing the full economic toll. The spending on military operations is merely the tip of a vast fiscal iceberg. In an excerpt from their new book, the authors calculate the grim bottom line.
The Bush/McCain Iraq Occupation recession and its $14 billion a month price tag has taken a prosperous nation to a nation that the rest of the world now scoffs at our dollar and mocks those who the sheep have elected into office.
The last thing this country needs is a Bush-clone like John McCain anywhere near the White House.
It should be an easy choice in November for anyone paying attention. Of course, there are many who don't pay attention and a lot who do that are too stupid to know better.