Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well no shit ...

This headline has appeared on the Drudge Report for the last two days;

Bush Predicts GOP Will Hold White House

What else do you think the dumbass would 'predict'?

Bush also predicted we wouldn't be in Iraq very long, too.

He predicted he would continue Clinton's budget surpluses. He will give us a $500 billion deficit this year.

He predicted he would continue Clinton's pay-down on the debt but he's added $4 trillion to it.

He predicted he would create jobs the way Clinton did.

He predicted lower unemployment and it's a full percentage point above where it was when he took office.

He also predicted we'd be better off as a country with him as president and we all know the answer to that prediction.

I'm glad the idiot is predicting a McCain win.

His record on predictions favors the country finally getting some well deserved relief after another eight years of miserable Republican leadership.