No private contractor has financially profited from the Iraq war more than Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), which until last year was a subsidiary of Halliburton. The firm currently has more than 54,000 employees in Iraq, and between 2004 and 2006, received more than $16 billion in government contracts — far more than any other corporation.Well, in fairness to Dwight D. Eisenhower and some other Republicans who back in the day were people of integrity who cared more for their country than the corporatists who line their pockets, that is.
Yet KBR hasn’t been passing on these enormous profits to American taxpayers or even its own employees, thanks to a plan that Vice President Cheney helped establish. Today, the Boston Globe reports that KBR has avoided paying more than $500 million “in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies” based in the Cayman Islands.
Today we have George Bush and Dick Cheney -- Two arrogant criminals who don't even attempt to hide their cronyism and assistance to their no-bid war-profiteering contributors who rape and pillage our treasury during war-time and screw the American taxpayers all at the same time.
Only in Bush's America could the sheep be so silent.
More on the current regime's war crimes