If these guys weren't so pathetic they'd be hilarious.WASHINGTON (AP) ― Al-Qaida terrorists may be plotting more urgently to attack the United States to maintain their credibility and ability to recruit followers, the U.S. military commander in charge of domestic defense said Thursday.
Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, chief of the U.S. Northern Command, also told reporters he has not seen any direct threats tied to the U.S. presidential elections. But he said it would be rash to think that such threats are not there.
... He did not point to any specific intelligence that authorities have received but said the "chatter" they are hearing "gives me no reason to believe they're going to slow down" in their efforts to target the U.S.
Get in line, sheep. It's time to vote and you should be very scared of boogeymen carrying box-cutters.
If we're under such a threat we should bring our 160,000 troops back from the wasteful Iraq boondoggle.