Friday, November 23, 2007

Uh, I thought it was Iran and Syria?
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - About 60 percent of the foreign militants fighting in Iraq have come from U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Libya, unidentified U.S. military officials said in a newspaper report on Thursday. ... A total of 305 of the foreign fighters listed in the documents, or 41 percent, were from Saudi Arabia. Another 137, or 18 percent, were Libyan. Yemenis were the third largest group, the newspaper said.
Another Bush fallacy that doesn't hold up. Once more this administration proves they have a price and they can be bought. Regardless of the cost to our troops, Bush has given his dear old family friends in the Saudi royal family a complete pass in their role in killing them.

But, the Saudis supplying most of the foreign fighters and the insurgents' funding in Iraq isn't news to you, now is it? And why isn't it? Because you read 'done that'. And when you read 'done that', you not only get the facts, but you get them early.