You see the guy to the left here? His name was Wayne Dumond. He died in a Missouri prison in 2005.
But, before Dumond died he raped and murdered a few people.
What you have here with this situation with Mike Huckabee and Wayne Dumond is an extreme case of Clinton-hatred gone awry. Huckabee secured the release of Dumond from an Arkansas prison - '25 years early' - for an aggravated rape that for some strange reason Huckabee was convinced Dumond had gotten a 'raw deal' on.
You see, in 1985 Dumond brutally raped Ashley Stevens, a high school student, and to her misfortune, at least with the likes of men like Huckabee, a distant cousin of Bill Clinton.
Everyone knows how irrational a gung-ho Clinton hater-can be, right? I mean, they have gone so far as to write books about conspiracies the Clintons committed in Arkansas that gave 'raw deals' to 'wrongly accused' rapists, like Wayne Dumond.
To Huckabee and some of the other haters in Arkansas, Wayne Dumond was just a poor misunderstood guy who got tangled up with the distant cousin of the person they hated, so he had to have been railroaded and freeing him was what they demanded.
Governor Huckabee and the state of Arkansas freed Wayne Dumond from prison in 1999.
Dumond moved to Missouri and by 2001 was arrested for the rape and murder of two other young women.
Of course, Huckabee denies all of this. But, there is plenty of testimony on Huckabee's involvement in Dumond's release.
... Gomer has a big problem.
Murray Waas has written some excellent and detailed stories, once back in 2002 and then again today, on Wayne Dumond, and Mike Huckabee's role in releasing him.