'Kennedy, the first Catholic president, went through a similar experience to what his fellow Bay Stater, former Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican and a Mormon, is experiencing today.Mitt, my man, you have a lot charisma, but you're no John Kennedy.
Kennedy's Sept. 12, 1960 address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association has become such lore that Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention told ABC News that when he met with Romney last year, "I told him that as far I was concerned, he needed to give a speech, he needed to 'do a JFK.'"
... Mormons are two-percent, not 30% of the population and Kennedy didn't have Gomer Huckabee running around telling everyone Mormons still need to be baptized.
Romney's biggest obstacle, besides being named after a baseball glove, is that the Republican base he needs to get nominated by -- unlike Kennedy's Democratic base in 1960 -- do not want to hear any of that crap about the Separation of Church & State. Like moths, these people run directly to the light.
They have an entirely different interpretation of that clause than what was written.
Kennedy embraced and called for the adherence to the First Amendment's Establishment Clause.
If Romney does that - he will get trounced!