Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Okay, thanks for clarifying that

"In the wake of U.S. Sen. David Vitter’s admission that he engaged a Washington, D.C., prostitute, a member of the Republican State Central Committee called for him to resign.

Vincent Bruno, of Kenner, said today that Vitter should resign “for his own good, the good of the party and the good of his family.” If he doesn’t resign, Vitter should “join the Democratic Party where they think that kind of behavior is OK.”
Boy, poor Senator Vitter. People like Mr. Bruno sure don't take too kindly to their 'family values' public servants hiring prostitutes down there in Louisiana.

When asked at the news conference which Republican he was supporting for president, Bruno replied;
"Well, currently I'm backing Rudy Giuliani but if Newt enters the race, I have to go with my man, Newt".
When Bruno was asked how he could explain the contradiction in his reaction to David Vitter and his support for two men who are admitted adulterers who have been married three times each, he replied;
"Rudy and Newt didn't pay prostitutes for sex and they ended up marrying their gold-digging sluts who they were cheating on their previous wives with ... and that's a huge difference that only a Democrat couldn't figure out".
Thanks for clarifying that Vinnie. I was beginning to think some of you self-righteous Republicans weren't thinking clearly.