Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who really supports the troops

Relief for the troops falls 4 votes short

For the fifth time this year, Senate Republicans today effectively blocked a Democratic move to change U.S. policy in Iraq, turning aside a proposal to mandate more rest at home for troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Democrats fell four short of the 60-vote super-majority demanded by Republican leaders for an amendment to the defense authorization bill now being debated in the Senate.
Real support for the troops comes from those who treat them as if they are more than pawns in a war that should never have happened in the first place.

This is another clear example of Bush not listening to the generals and Republicans choosing their party over the country and our troops.

And it says everything that needs to be said when we cannot find 10 Republican Senators who care enough for our troops to do what's right.

Absolutely despicable.