Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bush keeps lying and the sheep keep swallowing

"Yesterday, Bush recycled the false claim he has made many times prior to and since the Iraq war began, inciting fear that Iraq has some connection to 9/11.

While many in the media gloss over such false statements, Jonathan Landay of McClatchy Newspapers debunked it, just as he did frequently prior to the war. Landay wrote that Bush’s claim is misleading on two counts:

1) Prior To The War, Al Qaeda Was Not Operating In Iraq. “Al Qaida in Iraq didn’t emerge until 2004. While it is inspired by Osama bin Laden’s violent ideology, there’s no evidence that the Iraq organization is under the control of the terrorist leader or his top aides, who are believed to be hiding in tribal regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.”

2) Even Now, Al Qaeda Is Not The Main Source Of Instability. “While U.S. intelligence and military officials view al Qaida in Iraq as a serious threat, they say the main source of violence and instability is an ongoing contest for power between majority Shiites and Sunnis, who dominated Saddam Hussein’s regime.”

When you were a kid you would gather at the neighborhood vacant lot and you and your buddies would choose up teams. After your teams were picked you'd usually have some one call out, 'we're the NY Yankees', and the other guys would say, 'we're the LA Dodgers!'

Well, even as a kid you knew you weren't really the Yankees or the Dodgers so why are you so stupid and gullible to think the punks in Iraq are really 'al-Qaeda'?

Come on fools, the amateurs who call themselves 'al-Qaeda in Iraq' are not the same al-Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 and if you still believe Bush when he say's it, you're either one of the sheep still supporting his war or you're just simply stupid. Sorry, that's redundant.