Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Nobody, but Nobody, is that damn stupid!

"Does Stram point out that these [Iranians] are Shi’ite MUSLIMS, who are allies of al-Qaeda and sympathetic to Bin Laden and the Taliban? No, he doesn’t."
WOW! I know what you're thinking, nobody actually wrote that - I made it up ...you're thinking to yourself, nobody is that dumb!

But no, I didn't make it up. It's proudly appearing at Liar's Quorum right now in fact. Hurry over there because after 'ltrfyc' reads this, I would think he would want to delete it to save himself further embarrassment.

Uh, to begin with, no Stram wouldn't 'point that out' because he's smart enough to know that bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the Taliban are all staunch Sunnis, dumbass!

If you have ever had any doubt of just how stupid they are over at Liar's Quorum, that statement above should end any doubt you had whatsoever. Of course, if you have ever read that blog, you already don't have any doubt.

Here we are, almost six years after 9/11 and this idiot still doesn't know the difference between and Shiite and Sunni. He actually thinks bin Laden and the Taliban are Shia who are in alliance with Iran.

I couldn't make that up. I used to think 'ltrfyc' (aka Dank) was a bigger liar than a bigger idiot, but, I think he may have just proved all of us wrong.

Nobody is that fucking dumb!

I guess Rush Limbaugh forgot to tell idiot-boy that, Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, Taliban, = Sunni, Iran = 98% Shia and they are, and have always been, avowed enemies.

You don't need anymore proof about that dumbass. Here's a guy who has had a 'political' blog for at least 5 years and he doesn't have enough sense to know that bin Laden, al-Qaeda and the Taliban are Sunni Muslims?

ROTFLMFAO!!! Nobody is that fucking stupid. Nobody.

And here's a bonus 'statement from a real dumbass', that he wrote in the very next post.
"Michigan is already run by liberals and is $900 billion in debt".
One of the surest tell-tale signs of if some one is not very bright, or as in this case, dumber than a fucking rock, is when they don't know the difference between a 'billion' and a 'million'.

And oh yeah, by the way, the $900 million deficit, is half the 1.8 billion the previous Michigan governor, a Republican, left her with. And, the state legislature, both the House and Senate were dominated by Republicans for something close to 15 years until Democrats took over the House just last January.

What an embarrassing moron! Nobody is that damn stupid!

But please keep it up - I enjoy the hell out of exposing you for the liar and the total dumbass you truly are. LOL!!!