Friday, July 27, 2007

How many out of that 3,160 ...

... would be alive today if Bush would have done something then?
Embarrassed by his inaction, Bush will now send Rice & Gates to plead with King Abdullah

"Now, Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia’s counterproductive role in the Iraq war".
What John Kerry and John Edwards were saying in December 2003;
"To put it simply, we will not do business as usual with Saudi Arabia," Kerry said. "They must take concrete steps to stop their clerics from fueling the fires of Islamic extremism." - John Kerry

"We need a new relationship with Saudi Arabia, one that no longer ignores that regime's pattern of tolerance and denial when it comes to terrorists." - John Edwards
When Kerry and Edwards said that, there had been 486 Americans killed [thru 12/03] in Iraq. As of this posting, there have been 3,646 Americans killed in Iraq.

I wonder how many of those additional 3,160 men and women who have been killed since would be alive today if George Bush would have cared 'then', like he acts like he cares 'now'?

What's been the cost of Bush's 'free pass' to the Saudis?

With this, the MRAP's, the lack of proper body armor, the extended tours and the rushed training, we can easily see that George Bush, and all the sheep who blindly followed, have been our troops' own worst enemy.

NY Times

[I guess Bush has been reading my blog]