Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well too bad, Wal-Mart is hiring

HOUSTON - The widow of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay is asking a judge to let her keep nearly $13 million in assets — particularly the family condominium — that the federal government is trying to seize.

...Federal authorities claim $12.7 million in assets they are trying to seize were "proceeds of the fraud proven in the criminal case against Lay."

...Linda Lay contends she, not her husband, is the owner of the assets the government is trying to seize. In his will, Kenneth Lay left all of his assets to his wife.

Prosecutors are looking to take three things: $2.5 million of the value of the couple's condominium in one of Houston's most exclusive high-rises; $10.2 million from a partnership named for both the Lays; and nearly $23,000 in a bank account.
Sorry Linda, that money belongs to all the people you and your husband ripped off.

If times are tough - too bad, get a job. Move into a subsidized apartment. Or go ask your good friend George for a loan.