Friday, May 25, 2007

They were warned this would happen

2003 Intel: Iraq War Will Aid al-Qaeda, Iran
WASHINGTON --U.S. intelligence agencies warned senior members of the Bush administration in early 2003 that invading Iraq could create internal conflict that would give Iran and al-Qaida new opportunities to expand their influence, according to an upcoming Senate report.
The 21% of us who were right about our needless invasion of Iraq were saying exactly what U.S. intelligence was telling Bush and his minions back in 2003. You invade Iraq and remove the one obstacle, Saddam Hussein, who was a bitter and well known enemy of both al-Qaeda and Iran, just who do you think was going to benefit from that?

When you have 79% of the populace act like scared sheep and follow their incompetent leader off the side of a cliff you're doomed to the failure we have now in Iraq.

We strengthened Iran and we allowed al-Qaeda to survive by needlessly invading a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. And Bush was warned this would happen but he stupidly ignored what the intelligence agencies were saying and what those of us who were right, knew all along.