Saturday, May 26, 2007

Support the troops....

as long as we can do it on the cheap

While Bush has been busy politically demagoging funding for the troops, CBS Evening News highlighted a disturbing report tonight that the administration waited over a year before acting on a “priority 1 urgent” request to send blast-resistant vehicles to Iraq, the so-called Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
The phony patriots sure support the troops just as long as they don't ask for too much.

Do you think Bush short-changes the 100,000 civilian contractors or Halliburton when it comes to spending the billions we've wasted in Iraq? You can bet he doesn't.

But when it comes to giving our troops the equipment they need he has no problem in denying their requests.

And this despicable behavior of sending our troops to fight and die without the equipment or training they need has been going on for the entire 50 months of this quagmire and what have all these phony patriots on the right had to say about it? Absolutely nothing.