Wednesday, May 23, 2007

42% of American Christians say what?

And 62% of 'evangelical' Christians?

I've heard and read a lot whining about a recent Pew Research Center poll that asks various religious groups questions about their faith and government.

Fox News has been whining and complaining about how "47% of American Muslims" feel they are Muslims first and Americans second.

But guess what the Fox News pundits aren't telling you. That same poll shows that 42% of Christians feel that they are 'Christians first' and Americans second. And, it get's worse with the so-called 'evangelicals' (read-Republicans) where an appalling 62% feel they are Christians before they are Americans.

Does this leave any doubt that Republicans need to be defeated? I don't think so.

You can't complain about 47% of Muslims and their allegiance to this country when you have 62% of these rightwing Republican hypocrites who call themselves 'evangelicals' putting their country second.

I know one thing, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin and the other framers of the Constitution are rolling over in their graves!

This country is fucked royally if we don't drive these bastards from power.