Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bush - Surrender Monkey to the UN

THE Bush Administration is developing plans to "internationalise" the Iraq crisis, including an expanded role for the United Nations, to prevent a domestic political meltdown as the 2008 US presidential election approaches.

The move comes amid rising concern in Washington that the controversial troop "surge" in Baghdad, led by the US commander, General David Petraeus, is not working, and that Iran is winning the clandestine battle for control of Iraq.

"Petraeus is brilliant, but he is the captain of a sinking ship," said a former senior Administration official. "Iraq's government is a mobile phone number that doesn't answer. Iraq probably can't be fixed."

...Mr Bush will sweeten the pill by "handing off" many current US responsibilities to other countries, the former official said.
Aren't all the wingnuts who've held on to 'Bush the loser's' failed Iraq policies cringing in embarrassment now! First they had to swallow their 'freedom fries' and now their boy idiot has to go begging to the dreaded United Nations pleading for help.

And why will Bush go to the UN? Is for help to stabilize Iraq? No, it's "to prevent a domestic political meltdown as the 2008 US presidential election approaches."

Typical Republican response: Politics over country.

When you have a Commander-in-Chief who can't lead the mightiest military in history and who now has to go begging to the ragtag United Nations you know it's time for new leadership.

Nice work, wingnuts!