Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Say 'no' to the losers

3 generals spurn war ‘czar’ post

WASHINGTON - The White House wants to appoint a high-powered czar to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State Department and other agencies, but it has had trouble finding anyone able and willing to take the job, according to people close to the situation.

At least three retired four-star generals approached by the White House in recent weeks have declined to be considered for the position, the sources said, underscoring the administration's difficulty in enlisting its top recruits to join the team after five years of warfare that have taxed the United States and its military.

"The very fundamental issue is, they don't know where the hell they're going," said retired Marine Gen. John J. "Jack" Sheehan, a former top NATO commander who was among those rejecting the job. Sheehan said he believes that Vice President Cheney and his hawkish allies remain more powerful within the administration than pragmatists looking for a way out of Iraq. "So rather than go over there, develop an ulcer and eventually leave, I said, 'No, thanks,' " he said.
This is another clear indication that Bush and his cronies don't 'listen to the generals', as they often lie about doing. In fact, if they had listened to the generals we would left Iraq a long time ago.

No General worth his stars supports these losers and they don't want to step in to be another George W. Bush scapegoat in his Iraq fiasco.