Thursday, April 12, 2007

Romney just doesn't get it

Speaking at the George Bush Presidential Library Center in College Station, Texas, Romney embraced the courage of President George W. Bush before decrying “the divisiveness, the bitterness, the smallness, the disunity” of foreign-policy politics in Washington.

“And then the Speaker of the House helped dignify a state sponsor of terror,” Romney said, in excerpts released by his campaign. “At this time of war, her action stands as one of the most partisan, divisive and ill-considered of any national leader in this decade.” Romney said the state of the U.S. military had declined during the Clinton administration, and he called for expanding the military by 100,000 troops.

Romney is obviously not only a flip-flopping liar, but he's evidently not very bright either.

The United States already spends more on our military than all the rest of the countries in the world combined. We don't need a 100,000 more troops. We just need a commander-in-chief who doesn't send 150,000 of them into a needless quagmire.

As for 'U.S. military had declined during the Clinton administration'? Bill Clinton's military sure did a helluva job kicking Afghanistan's ass in a matter of weeks, didn't they? The same Afghanistan that defeated the Soviet Union in a 10 year war, Clinton's military waltzed through their country in a matter of weeks.

And Romney needs to read the Constitution again if he has a problem with Nancy Pelosi. The President doesn't have sole responsibilty in foreign policy - especially when the executive branch has been proven to be totally incompetent in that role.

If Romney and the other fools on the right don't think that is true, they need to re-read the Constitution, because they obviously didn't get it the first time.

Although the Framers of the Constitution never envisioned the people of this country would ever elect a man as incompetent and ignorant, as George W. Bush, they knew it was possible and they definitely never wanted one person to have that much power.

And if you can't seem to 'get it' when you read it again, just read this quote from not just one of the 'Framers' of it, but its main 'author', James Madison;

"The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war."
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, along with the few Republicans left who put their country before their party politics, need to continue their diplomacy abroad to prevent Bush from dragging us into another needless war.