George Bush lying to the American Legion - 4/10/07
15,000 Troops Could Stay Longer in Iraq
15,000 U.S. troops serving in Iraq could have their tours extended. The Pentagon is currently considering such a plan, a defense department official has confirmed.
More Guard troops likely bound for IraqBush is a deplorable liar. Just when did keeping our troops in Iraq for extended periods and sending them there without the proper equipment and training become 'unacceptable' to him? It hasn't bothered him a bit up to this point.
About 13,000 National Guard troops are expected to be notified soon they could be sent to Iraq around the first of next year, military officials say. The alert is expected to affect Oklahoma, Indiana and Arkansas.
If the assignments to Iraq are ultimately approved by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, it would be the first time full Guard combat brigades were sent back to Iraq for a second tour.
How can he stand before the American Legion, and the rest of the country, and tell such an egregious lie without everyone who still has an ounce of integrity left, not call him the liar he is?
Bush's lie of a war in Iraq is his, Cheney's, and Rumsfeld's unnecessary fiasco and regardless of how hard he will now try to blame Democrats for his miserable failure, it won't work.
The American people are not buying his lies anymore....Finally.