Wednesday, April 11, 2007

But you couldn't sell the lie that way

Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq?

"That document has mistakes in it that are sufficient to show that it's impossible that this operation could be real," Eisner told "Anybody, you or I, could have taken this and fact-checked this thing and we would have learned that this was nonsense. We would have learned that the organization in the letterhead hadn't been in existence for many years, that the person who signed it last served in that post in 1989 and that the court in Niger had been renamed in 1990."
As everyone knows now, Bush was lying in the 2003 SOTU when he said Iraq was trying to acquire yellowcake uranium from Niger. And as this piece points out, even a simple search on Google would have detected that the document the administration was using was a forgery.

Seventy-nine percent of the people in this country were duped by information that was trumped up by this administration and it should have been so easy to detect their lie, but it wasn't. And what has it cost us?