Monday, April 02, 2007

McCain looked 'foolish'

“Even Paris Hilton could ride a bicycle in a bikini through Anbar province,” with the protection McCain got.

Where's the outrage? How come no one is complaining about John McCain risking our soldiers' lives so he could have a campaign 'photo-op'.

McCain, having been made to look like a fool earlier in the week with his ridiculous claim that Baghdad is safe enough to walk the streets and for Gen. Petraeus to ride around in his convertible, just had to go to a market in Baghdad to prove he's a tough guy.

Well, it didn't work and in fact, it backfired on him and he came out looking even more pathetic, and more of a wimp, than before his rushed photo-op to Iraq. And, rightfully, a lot of the early news today is showing disgust with McCain using our troops for political gain.

Quit playing games with our military's lives, Mr. Straight-Talk. We know George Bush uses them as props every opportunity he get's, but we expect more out of real veterans.