Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Southern Clout in Congress Hits 50-Year Low

"Now, Dixie’s heyday in Congress is over. It is rare to find anyone with a Southern accent in a position of power. After the Democratic victories last November, congressional historians say, the region’s clout fell to its lowest level in at least 50 years.

Only one Southerner is in the Democratic leadership: House Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina.

“It really is the end of the era,” said Christian Grose, a Vanderbilt University professor who studies Southern politics.

One chief reason is the South’s shift toward the Republican Party that was cemented in the 1990s. When Republicans lost control of Congress in last year’s elections, the region’s clout took a hit".
It brings a tear to my eye to think the south is losing political power in Washington.

Ooh Tennessee, good ol' Rocky Top. Thanks for stabbing your native son in the back. And then there's Florida..... Mississippi and Georgia - how's Zell doing anyway? And, oh yeah, how you treating Max Cleland these days?

Yeah, it really breaks my heart to see all those crackers losing power.

Just wait until 2008. There's never been a President elected without winning a single southern state. ..Democrats almost won Ohio in 2004. Could have broken that record then. The people of Ohio can't wait for 2008.

It's going to be dark blue in D.C. for awhile. A lot less 'gray', that's for sure.

Kinda chokes me up....