Monday, April 02, 2007

Paying for Republican misdeeds

paying for kickbacks, making them compete, and
laughing at dumbasses

Did you catch the segment on the Medicare prescription drug bill last night on 60 Minutes?

If you are a true fiscal conservative, not a phony rightwing Reaganesque social conservative, but a true fiscal conservative, the Republican Medicare Prescription Drug Bill of 2003, rammed through in the middle of the night, with 90% of Republicans voting 'yes', and 90% of the Democrats voting 'no', that bill, or more like, that massive taxpayer give away to the pharmaceutical companies, should really chafe your ass!

If you care to remember, Bush said their prescription drug plan would cost no more than $400 billion over 10 years and as it turned out, because of the sweetheart deal he and Republicans gave the pharmaceutical industry, its cost will be at least $1.2 trillion.

Most of the segment was on the scumbag, former Louisiana Republican congressman, Billy Tauzin, who should be in jail and not now earning $2 million+ a year as "chief executive officer of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which is essentially the lobbying arm of the pharmaceutical industry".

What you actually witnessed with this prescription drug plan that Republicans back-doored the American public with, is a scam orchestrated by 1,000 drug-industry lobbyists who bought themselves an $800 billion kickback with of our money.

They did this by implementing into the bill a provision that doesn't allow the federal government to negotiate the prices we pay the drug manufacturers for the billions spent on Medicare and Medicaid. We have to accept an inflated price that the drug makers set.

Why would a Congressman vote for that? How smart do you have to be to realize you get a much better deal in anything when there's competition? There would have to be some other explanation why so many Republicans rammed through that drug bill.

But relax. One of the first things Democrats did when they took over Congress in January, was pass HR4, the 'Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act', which will hopefully do what its title say's it will.

I have to laugh when I think of the Democrats passing this bill early on (January 12) with their return of control of Congress.

Just days after Democrats passed HR4, a bill that reverses the scam on taxpayers by forcing the drug industry to compete for our business, one of the true idiots out there - I won't mention any names -- ignorantly wrote that the Democrats were voting against competition with this bill...

...I know, you really wonder sometimes... It's hard to imagine how some people get through life being so wrong and so stupid.

LOL !!