Thursday, February 01, 2007

The 'rightwing' loathes our military

Have any of you asked any of your Republican friends, or, of course, any of them who now 'say' they aren't really Republicans, why they hate our active military and our veterans the way they do? That is a perfectly legitimate question to ask rightwingers, since they try to screw our active and retired military servicemen and women every chance they get.

I have to admit I completely missed this Republican/wingnut atrocity when it first came out late last summer and only learned of it just yesterday while listening to Al Franken. That's what one does when listening to Franken - You learn.

Did you know that the former Republican controlled Congress tried to cut in half,
from $14 million to $7 million, the amount spent on our military for research and treatment for traumatic brain injuries?

A lousy $7 million - Money that is to be used for brain-injured soldiers and marines, and Republicans vote to cut the funding. $7 million - Which is the amount that Bush and these same pathetic Republicans are spending every HALF HOUR, every day in Iraq.

You rightwingers, even those of you who are now too embarrassed to call yourselves Republicans, are simply, pitiful, when it comes to putting your money where your mouths are if it has to do with supporting the military.

But, for those of you reading this that are bothered by it, rest assured that now that Democrats are controlling Congress, the funding for our military personnel with serious brain injuries will be fully funded. You can take that to the bank!