Thursday, July 31, 2014

There is absolutely nothing shocking about that poll

"SHOCK POLL: GOP Standing Strong Against Illegal Immgiration More Important Than Benghazi, Repealing Obamacare..."

Drudge labeling that poll 'shocking' tells you all you need to know about wingnuts; they're fucking clueless. Even Republicans - the large majority of which stood by like chickenhawk cheerleaders while 4,500 Americans were needlessly killed in Iraq - know Benghazi is a phony scandal. Most of them have now shut up after realizing how hypocritical they looked with their obsession with four killed.

And Obamacare? Seventy-four percent of those same whiny bastards who have signed up for Obamacare, now love it. But illegal immigration is easy to be against. You don't need to be an America-hating teabagging wingnut to be against it. In fact, most likely the opposite is true.