Thursday, June 19, 2014

Do you think the Sheep would have gone along if they had been told it was to 'free the Iraqis'?
As those of us who know the factual history - and those with enough integrity to admit it - know the Bush/Cheney regime lied us unnecessarily into Iraq by trumping up the intelligence reports and scaring the meek into believing it. Oh sure, I can hear them now - "Clinton, Gore and Kerry and everybody said they had weapons of mass destruction too"! Yes, we all know Saddam had chemical weapons at some point because Ronald Reagan gave them to him. You see, Reagan didn't only secretly arm the Ayatollah with 10,000 missiles and weapons for the nun-raping Contras he wanted Saddam to have some anthrax and a little nerve gas in his arsenal, too. Those canisters had 'Ronald Reagan' and 'made in the U.S.A' written all over them.

But, when Bush demanded the UN weapons inspectors go into Iraq and they didn't find anything he demanded they leave even though Saddam was willing to give them free reign to inspect anywhere they wanted. But of course, George W. Bush could never give up his dream of being a 'war president'. After all, what's 4,500 American deaths, 32,000 wounded and two trillion dollars wasted when your deserter president wants to fulfill his dream?

We didn't have to invade Iraq. Bush knew full well by March 20, 2003 that Hussein didn't have any 'weapons of mass destruction'. They lied about those weapons numerous times. They lied about Niger and the yellowcake uranium, the aluminum tubes, the secret meeting in Prague, the 'mushroom cloud' and 931 other things to convince the sheep to go along.

We knew by March 2003 that Saddam wasn't a threat but that didn't matter to the neocons. And then once their trumped-up lies were exposed they changed our mission to 'bringing them freedom'. Do you think the American people would have went along with invading Iraq to 'free them'? We foolishly went into Iraq because the rightwing in this country are nothing but scared, paranoid little sheep. But I don't think even the rightwing sheep would have went along with Bush if the neocons would have used what the teabaggers are now trying to pass off as a reason worth sacrificing so much for. But then again, they are sheep - so you really never know.