But I don't want to rehash my tired, old insults about how sheepish so many Americans were on Iraq. I'm curious, and somewhat surprised, how Bush and Tony Snow.... Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and others like them, can act so surprised that Iran would be helping out their new Iraqi allies.
It's bad enough that all these mouthpieces for the shrinking, and less relevant sector, weren't capable of foreseeing what would happen with Iraq (and its 60% Shiite population) and Iran, once Saddam and the Baathist were out of power. It's George Bush and those who went along with the Iraq war who have emboldened and strengthened Iran.
But are Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Bush himself, so ignorant of that situation that they didn't realize this would happen? Did they did not anticipate Iran, one of Bush's "Axis of Evil", and an historical enemy of the Baathist, allying itself with the majority Iraqi Shia once they took control of Iraq?
The answer is, yes, they are that ignorant. It shouldn't take these morons four years to figure out who the 'Shia' are.
And, that's a lot of 'mouthpieces', and an awful lot people (reference-first link above) being inundated with a lot of misinformation everyday. And it explains how '80%' of Americans back at the start of this nonsense in 2003, could have been so dumb.....and sheepish. Oh yeah, I wasn't going to say that.
(1) On October 2, 2002, the Deputy DCI testified before the SSCI. Senator Jon Kyl asked the Deputy DCI whether he had read the British white paper and whether he disagreed with anything in the report. The Deputy DCI testified that "the one thing where I think they stretched a little bit beyond where we would stretch is on the points about Iraq seeking uranium from various African locations. We've looked at those reports and we don't think they are very credible..."
(2) July 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency paper that said:
'Mohammed Atta reportedly was identified by an asset, not an officer, of a Czech service, only after Atta's picture was widely circulated in the media after the attacks, approximately five months after the alleged meeting occurred. "And that: 'There is no photographic, immigration, or other documentary evidence indicating that Atta was in the Czech Republic during the time frame of the meeting.'
Investigations by the FBI and CIA also turned up evidence that Atta was in the United States on days shortly before and shortly after the alleged Prague meeting. The CIA also turned up information indicating that for most of the day the alleged meeting occurred, Atta’s alleged Iraqi interlocutor, al-Ani, was not even in Prague but rather was visiting a city about 60-90 minutes away. Al-Ani also denied to U.S. interrogators after the U.S. invasion of Iraq that he had ever met with Atta in Prague, or anywhere else.
(3) A Gallup poll made on behalf of CNN and the newspaper USA Today concluded that 79% of Americans thought the Iraq War was justified-May 2003
The picture above is of course, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (right) and his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani in Tehran, just two months ago.
What timimg, before I could post this, another huge development.