Saturday, January 11, 2014

Obama should have listened to Joe Biden and told the military brass to go to hell, we're leaving Afghanistan
"Having said that, I believe the president cared deeply about the troops and their families. And he would ensure that significant resources flowed to the Veterans Affairs Department and that it was protected from budget cuts. I never doubted Obama’s support for the troops, only his support for their mission."
That's right, no president since Dwight Eisenhower has done more for veterans than Barack Obama but his second biggest mistake with Afghanistan was not leaving on May 1, 2011. His biggest mistake was not listening to men like Joe Biden who told him NOT to triple our troops in Afghanistan. ...That right Bob, you're wrong again. Biden got it right on Afghanistan and you and the Generals were wrong again.

Don't blame Obama for having doubts about your and the neocons proven wrong strategy. ...Nice try, Joe.