'Top' Republicans Urge Obama to Add Troops in Afghanistan

The two 'top' Republican senators are John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Neither of those two dimwits have any credibility whatsoever when it comes to Afghanistan.
Besides George W. Bush, John McCain has the most miserable record on Afghanistan than any other elected official in the entire country. And Lindsey Graham? Who cares, he always just repeats whatever McCain says.
McCain said yesterday he knew Barack Obama would "make the right decision, which is to commit the necessary troops.” I wish McCain would have said that three years ago when we really needed him instead of saying,
"But the focus here is more on training the Afghan National Army and the police, as opposed to the increased U.S. troop presence."John McCain failed his nation by focusing on the wrong enemy. As military scholars and everyday realists have now concluded; our senseless and historically foolish invasion of Iraq is the reason we have all the problems we have in Afghanistan.
If you stupidly supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq, then you got it terribly wrong on the real war on terror in Afghanistan and your advice and/or criticism is way too fucking late - and obviously, extremely unreliable.
We are scheduled to have 68,000 American troops in Afghanistan by year end. We don't need another 40,000. It should only take about 5,000 to track down and destroy Osama bin Laden and a 1,000 or so al-Qaeda.
Barack Obama should ignore the fools and just get the job done. And McCain and Graham and all the sheep need to shut the hell up.